Possibly turning cold again around Christmas with the chance of a white Christmas for some

As we are now in Christmas week and approaching Christmas day the big question and the most common this time of year is are we going to have a white Christmas?

As mentioned from yesterday evenings update there is alot of uncertainty in the forecast as we move closer to Christmas day and the Christmas period. The GFS model and ECMWF model hints at colder air returning just in time for Christmas again. The GFS runs last night, this morning and this evenings 12Z model run shows colder air retuning on Saturday Christmas eve with the chance of snow for the big day for parts of the country.

The Ecmwf model run this morning also was trending a little colder than last nights model run which was milder wet and windy also turns things colder from Christmas day and St. Stephens day keeping the weather cold into the new year.

The 12Z model run from the Ecmwf model this evening shows colder conditions from around St. Stephens day with cold conditions setting in into the new year.

We are still around 24 hours to 36 hours away before we have a fair idea but most forecast models are trending towards cold conditions from around Christmas eve to St Stephens day onwards. How cold at the moment is uncertain. I will have further updates over the coming days once we have a little more certainty.

There is still the chance it remains wetter and windy but for now models are trending cooler as mentioned above.

Kenneth from the Donegal Weather Channel