Donegal Weather Channel was founded on the 5th of September 2011. It was founded by myself Kenneth Mc Donagh.

Donegal Weather Channel forecasts for the whole island of Ireland updating regularly, Sharing its page followers images, which are sent on to the page or posted to the Donegal Weather Channels group D.W.C - Wild, Weird & Severe Weather Ireland. The page also updates on all things astronomy over the year when there might be a chance to see the Northern lights, an eclipse, meteor showers and many more sky events.

If there is something happening across the world with weather then Donegal Weather Channel will be on it. 

The reason I started a page on Facebook and Twitter was due to the interest I had in weather and astronomy growing up as a child. I took the decision to start Donegal Weather Channel and started off running the page as a hobby, but over the past few years the page was growing very fast and its was taken up so much of my time I decided to turn the Donegal Weather Channel into a business at the start of 2018.

Back in November 2017 I started planning out my options on how to make this work and took it one stage at a time. With the help of businesses providing sponsorship over the months it lead the way for a website to be built.

With this new Website www.donegalweatherchannel.ie it will provide a better service for the public who uses it.

My main aim for when the website started to be built was for it to be easy to use and not be overloaded with too much when clicked on. I and the web developers felt very strongly about this as many sites these days are just all over the place.

I myself photograph and video alot, mostly weather related content and Astro. I love to photograph thunderstorms, Sunset, rare weather events and the night sky. You can find my work on my own page at Kenneth Mc Donagh Photography on Facebook.

Donegal Weather Channel has featured on National Tv, National Radio Stations, National Newspapers as well as local radio stations and newspapers in Ireland. Donegal Weather Channel has also featured on Tv stations in the USA , UK, and Europe. 

Some people see the name Donegal and they may think Donegal Weather Channel only forecasts for the County of Donegal, but no Donegal Weather Channel forecasts for all four provinces of Ireland Ulster, Connacht, Munster and Leinster.